Thursday, May 22, 2008

retail therapy.

After I put Andrew to sleep last night, my sister and I zipped off to the mall for an hour or so.. Nothing like a bit of shopping to make a girl smile! Look at the cute stuff I found....

The cutest earrings ever!New super-cute sunglasses since my dog chewed up my other ones..!
I also found the cutest top but couldn't find a picture of it... It is funny how a little bit of time out makes your whole outlook better! Now I can happily study today for my last final and then it is summertime, yay!
Also, I seriously have to work on my frames, but haven't had a miute to devote to them. They will be so darn cute if I can actually get them done! :)


Amy Bell said...

so glad david cook won..and you won! you can visit my blog and see...send me your address when you get a chance...yeah!!! :)

Heidi said...

Hi Holly, Just wanted to let you know that you've been "tagged"! Hope you don't mind! Enjoy the weekend!.....Love, Mom

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