We utilize our library to the fullest extent. I am such an advocate of getting whatever I can there... children's books, my books, movies, TV shows on DVD, anything! It also helps that we live down the street from our beautiful local library, it is on the neighboring block next to Andrew's elementary school, and it is such a happy place for us! We go to Barnes and Noble frequently and browse the books, and when Andrew sees something he wants to read, he runs up and tells me.. "Mommy, write this book down so we can get it at the library!" Do you know how proud I am of that little boy???? And I do the same thing... that way, if I am not into a book a few chapters in, I have no qualms about not finishing.. I didn't spend money on the book and I just drop it back off at the library! SO rewarding. I know a lot of you already are huge library go-ers, but I encourage ALL of you to visit the library yourself, and with your kids. It is an amazing resource that we all have available to us!
Now onto my favorite books to read with Andrew at the moment... all found by browsing the children's shelves at the library, yay! :)
The Pencil by Allan Ahlberg
If you and your children haven't found this book yet, you are seriously missing out. It is amazing. I grabbed it last minute when we were leaving the library a few days ago because the cover looked so cute. (We are big on cute illustrations here at our house haha!) I cannot say enough about this book... it has humor, gorgeous illustrations, is such a sweet story, and it really transcends modern time. It seems like a book that was written long ago, it seems so very intelligent, and instantly has become one of my favorite children's book of all time! A must check out for you all!!
Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus! by Mo WillemsI seriously hope you all know about Mo Willems, the funniest children's writer there is. And if you haven't, you will be in for such a treat when you finally read the pigeon books!!! Andrew and I read these all the time, and each time we read through one of them, no matter how many times we've read it and even though Andrew has memorized the stories, we crack ourselves up... I mean, the
can't-even-speak-we-are-laughing-so-hard kind of laughing.
We love Mo. Can't get enough of that silly pigeon! :) These books are good for all ages as well... easy for the little ones to understand and perfect for kids around Andrew's age to learn to read themselves. And it doesn't hurt that the pigeon is super cute. There is even a
stuffed animal version of Pigeon available at Barnes and Noble who now reads the books with us! :)
(I was thinking about making a t-shirt for Andrew with the pigeon face on it... think he would like it?!)
House for a Mouse by Jean-Come NoguesThis is one of our recent finds. Andrew liked the title of the book, so of course we checked it out. It seemed like one Andrew wouldn't be
hugely into,
but no! This sweet book has the
prettiest illustrations and Andrew fell in love with this sweet little mouse girl who is looking for a new house. And let me tell you, I want to move right into her house as well! Andrew even drafted my sister the artist to draw him a copy of her house... it is hanging on his wall now haha!! You will love this darling story, believe me! :)
Penguin by Polly DunbarAnother hilarious one, let me tell you! The funny and simplistic illustrations make this book so fun. A boy receives a present and inside is a...
penguin! But the problem with the penguin is that he doesn't ever speak, so of course, the little boy gets
extremely frustrated. :) It had Andrew rolling on the floor laughing, which is always indicative of a fabulous story!
Now that I have shared my favorites of the moment,
what are yours?? What should Andrew and I check out at the library? Off to do some cleaning before Andrew gets home, (he is definitely feeling better today after a restful day spent yesterday!) and then we are off to the library again... of course! :) xo!