Monday, May 25, 2009

happy memorial day!

A few days ago at Weight Watchers, our leader asked us what came to mind when we thought about Memorial Day. And everyone called out with answers like, "Barbecues! Potato salad! Chips!" etc, etc, etc.... am I the only one who thought that was very sad? Yes, Memorial Day marks a three day weekend, a chance for those who work or go to school to have a day off and celebrate. But let's not forget why we get that day off. Hundreds upon thousands of men and women have given their lives in order for us to barbecue on Memorial Day, for us to enjoy a day off to relax, for us to live in a country that values freedom above all.
Let's stop to remember those individuals.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day! xo!


Heather said...

perfectly said! Happy Memorial day to you too!

Anonymous said...


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