Saturday, September 26, 2009

chese these out - i love sequels!

I love books.
I love reading.
And I love, love, love a good sequel!!
I love when a story continues.
(Maybe that's why I am so weirdly crazy about Harry Potter and Twilight???!!!)
Here is what's on the top of our reading lists at the moment!
Remember when I blogged about The Pencil, Andrew's new favorite book?? Well... we found the sequel at the library a few days ago and it is just as enchanting. The illustrations are sweet and whimsical, and the book is so intelligent and funny! A book with a runaway hard-boiled egg named Billy is always good, right?! Check it out!

And who has read the Sookie Stackhouse novels??! I *think* I am now into True Blood... I really want to like it! I had watched half of the first season when I checked it out from the library, but then had to take it back.. so I thought I would give the books a try in the meantime. It was tough to get used to the whole "southern vampire" deal, but halfway through the book I was totally hooked! I just started book number two (there are like a million of them!) and the first season of the show is on it's way to me at the library again! Who is a True Blood fan?? Or who has read the books?! What do you guys think? :)

OK, hop over to the library today, my friends, and give me some more book recommendations! I am always on the look out for new things to check out for Andrew and myself! Happy weekend, xo!


Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Thanks for the recommendation - I just placed them all on hold at the library! :)

Have you read the Hunger Games? It's by Stephanie Collins (I think) and the sequel just came out - Catching Fire. I haven't read Catching Fire yet, but supposedly it's just as good and sets it up for another book.

.jimaie.marie. said...

i've been hearing so much about those Sookie books!
You'll have to tell me how you like them b/c i always see people tweeting about True Blood and saying how excited they are to have gotten their next Sookie book LOL!

Anonymous said...

I borrowed the first season of True Blood from a friend. My dh watched it with me; he thought the series was soft ---- you know, the word the rhymns with corn?

Like you, I started reading the books, but then I got sidetracked.

I am in bed or on the couch for the next eight weeks recovering from foot surgery, and a friend loaned me the books.

Let's talk after we finish the first few. I'm a series gal as well. I guess I just don't like things to end.

Beth said...

I just started the second Sookie Stackhouse book last night! I am totally hooked, and was actualyl gonig to blog about the series too! ^_^

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