Well, to say I've got a lot of unfinished projects to accomplish is an enormous understatement. On top of my daily activities regarding being a momma and a student, I have crafts and projects started all over the place. And one particular project has gone without my attention for over two years.
Two years. When my family and I lived in rural upstate New York, there were very few things to do to occupy time while it snowed for half of the year. :) So, we noticed there was a local quilt store and my mom, sister and I decided to sign up for a class. One class became two, became three, and before I knew it, I was a quilter! I was hooked. Never having been much of a sewing gal, I really took to quilting and LOVED it. Then, I discovered paper piecing, which is the most fun
ever. (There really wasn't much to do in this small little town, hehe!!) I started this gorgeous paper pieced star quilt probably about three years ago and it was an ongoing class where we would make two stars each month. (Or was it each week?? The lapse in time is screwing with my memory!) Anyways, the patterns were provided but the fabric and design of the quilt was up to us individually. I decided on a purple and red color palette and I have always been so pleased with the results! So when I found all the stars sitting in a bottom drawer, buried deep underneath more projects, I was so excited to get started again.

The finished quilt will have 24 stars and believe it or not, I already have enough fabric to put borders and backing on. I've got 15 blocks completed, so only ten more to go! I have everything ready, and I am making it my goal to get the rest of the blocks done within the next few months. Let's see if re-starting an old hobby will hook me as quickly as it did before. I will keep you posted on my progress as a born-again quilter!! :)
(And did you notice Andrew's cute little toes, running all over my quilt blocks??? The tempting, laid out stars were too much for him to stay away from- he was dancing all over them haha!!)
Sign up for my swap, I would love you have lots of you join us for some snowflakes and sparkles!!! :)
Holly- That is amazingly gorgeous! I can only imagine all the time and love that has gone into making this.... Lovely! Lori
OH MY GOSH!!! It's beautiful!!
Oh my, Holly. Those are just absolutely gorgeous. Wow!
This is an amazing quilt! I love it. Is paper piecing very hard? I've only been quilting a couple of years and right now they have fall sign up for classes. If you visit my blog I did a post on the local quilt shop and classes the other day. I would love to paper piece but it looks so darn hard! Your quilt is awesome and is one I'd love to learn to do! I found you through your mom and I'm glad I did! Now I'm off to check out your swap! Cindy
Holly, come and see me Wed. bz I have an award for you! You had great timing on commenting on my blog and you'll see why when you pick up your award!! Cindy
That is such a beautiful quilt!!
Wow, what a pretty quilt! Your work is so nice. I cannot wait to see it completed and oh what a nice treat that will be to cover up with.
;D Tammy
This is a fantastic quilt! LOL I started quilting the same way and have a hand pieced grandmother's flower garden that I've been working on for 10 years or so. So, you're doing really great at only 2 years.
That is gorgeous! I love the colors, great job.
That is beautiful! I've been wanting to try to make a small quilt for my son's room for a long time now. This just might be my inspiration to give it a try!
This is gorgeous! I'm so impressed that as a full time mommy and student you've had enough time to get that much done! I just went back to work full time and my craft time has pretty much disappeared. I miss sewing!
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