I heard that Britney Spears was going to open the Video Music Awards on MTV tonite, so I most definitely wanted to tune in. Having been an enormous Britney fan for years, (recent poor behavior excluded!), I wanted to make sure I saw her performance. Or better yet, her opening "speech"???!! I was under the impression she was going to sing and perform, but NO! OK, first disappointment of the evening. Secondly, another MAJOR reason I was watching the VMA's was to see the cast of Twilight, who were literally on screen for about 10 seconds and you could barely see them. Boo! And third, my biggest disappointment of the night, this jerk in the picture below. EW! (And no, I am NOT talking about Britney!!!!!)

This guy with the fly-away hair is some stupid comedian or something???? I really don't know what his deal is, I guess I'm too "old" to get all this popular VMA stuff anymore.... anyways! This guy was the host of the show and in his first few moments on stage, decided to make a MUSIC VIDEO AWARD show into a freaking political pep rally for the Democrats!!! Now correct me if I have something wrong, but when did the VMA's turn into Obama's personal campaign show???
I am sure most of you can recognize that I am a Republican, and proud to be one. No, I don't agree with Republicans across the board, but for the majority, they stand for what I believe in. So I don't appreciate tuning into an entertainment show, only to be accused of standing behind a "retarded cowboy" President who "isn't trusted with a pair of scissors". And yes, he used that exact phrase. And he also insinuated that if you don't vote for Obama, you are "racist"!!!!! WHAT?! I am anything BUT, and am so offended by this creep-o man that is "entertaining" the youth of America. Russell Brand (that's his name, I just googled him!) was also making fun of Sarah Palin's daughter, calling her pregnancy a "publicity stunt"! And then he closed his speech with this quote: "To new music, a new President, and a brand new America! And you people deserve it after eight years of Bush." YO RUSSELL, you are BRITISH, keep your opinions about the American presidency to yourself, buddy. All I have to say is EW. Makes me disgusted.
I watched the beginning of the show and was pleased to see that Britney was coherent, but that host grossed me out. He seems very unwashed! I watch a lot of MTV and teen programming and I've never heard of him, either!
I missed the VMA's last night but will catch the re-run. I am republican also buuuuut, I am not voting McCain. I definitely feel we need a change & I think Obama will do a good job, but I agree Mtv def. is democratic & they always cheer them on I noticed, but we live in america & it is freedom of speech, but if you don't live here then I think you should keep your opinions to yourself!!
Where do they come up with these hosts???
Does he know that they have lots of "product" out there that could tame that rats nest he had on his head?! EEEEWWWW is right!
I didn't watch, but after your description, I can say I completely agree. How rude and tacky.
Amen sister! Let's see...vote for Obama who has the combined experience of a JUNIOR senator or vote for McCain who has actually had experience. I pray that Obama doesn't win...otherwise America will be a hurtin' with all the fun new taxes and crap he has in mind for "change".
I completely agree with you! He made me SICK! I was so hoping that Britney would perform and "redeem" herself after last year's "tragedies". She was poised (from what I saw) and that was nice to see. After that Brand guy (whatever his name is) started spouting off about "that cowboy" (President Bush) and how we should vote for Obama I turned it off. Yucky! Lori
I could only stand watching for a few short minutes... ew is right! Ew to the max!!
I could only stand watching for a few short minutes... ew is right! Ew to the max!!
Russel Brand is absolute pr**ck. Don't take any notice of him, he's not remotely funny! I must admit I don't have all that stronger politial opinions. It's never the president/priminister that pulls all the strings it's all the advisers - the people you don't see that do all the work so sometimes I wonder how much difference it actually makes who you vote for!
I didn't watch it, although I was secretly pulling for Britney... her whole meltdown was so sad! And I didn't know who that host was either -- I just know he's gross.
I have to say, even though I don't like Russel Brand, us British people are allowed to have an opinion on the presidential election. We get so much coverage of it on our news (even more than we have our own election) How much of the British Prime Ministerial election did you have to watch in America? Whoever is elected is in effect going to be the leader of the civilised world, not just America, and in effect will have an impact on all of us. I agree the MTV awards wasn't the right place for politics, but please don't say he should keep his opinions to himself because he's BRITISH.
OoooooooOooo....HOT topic, I'm not even going to go there!
He is the biggest prat in the UK. I could not believe my ears when I heard he was hosting. He is the crudest, ever! So sorry that america was subjected to such an idiot!
london southern belle x
I didn't watch the show but saw plenty of cuts on cable news! He was the most disguisting thing I have seen or heard! I am a Republican and proud of it! Obama can do an excellent speech but I worry too much about his past and what he plans to do...too scary for me!
I came across your blog through a comment you left on another post and when I read this, I had to comment. I was so unbelievably offended by this guy, it wasn't even funny!
The worst part to me was when he ridiculed the Jonas Brothers for their purity vow. I understand not agreeing with something for yourself, but seriously, why make fun of have a sense of moral value!!!
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