I think summer has reached it's end here in my little world. Although we live in Southern California and the heat is entirely inescapable during September, I still feel as if a new leaf has been turned and we are headed toward the routine and structure of autumn. As fall hits, I am bombarded with a feeling of being immediately overwhelmed with schoolwork... having to be somewhere at a certain time, making to-do lists that involve other things than "swimming and relaxing!" My summer has been a lovely one, with lots of carefree days to divulge myself in, but fall brings about a new sense of responsibility that is, I must admit, hard to get used to at this particular moment in time. :) So I reluctantly say "good-bye" to summer as school starts once again and my new schedule adjusts itself to my life. Now I am simply waiting for the chilly days to arrive to make autumn seem "real"!! :)
PS. Anyone catch Project Runway tonite?? Kenley looking adorable, as usual! :) I am loving Leanne these past few weeks, she is making amazing dresses, isn't she?! And the Republican Convention?????!!!! Let me say, Sarah Palin is my new hero! She is really sticking it to all the Democrats!!! (I guess you all now know my political stance??? haha!)
Isn't fall fun? I couldn't wait to start decorating, even though it's still in the mid-80's here! LOL Ms. Palin was awesome last night, I agree :). Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you'll come visit me again!
Oh how I wish Fall would come.....it's going to be 104 here today!
Love Leanne's designs the last 2 weeks of "Runway"! She's very talented and Kenley too :)
I am going to miss summer!! I love it, but not the humidity!! I am so mad I missed top model premiere last night... I had a dumb pep rally meeting to go too!!
Hi Holly, just dropped by to say hello and hope you picked up some lovely flowers at the market! Have enjoyed catching up with your posts. Having some bizarre weather here in Scotland - we seem to have fast-tracked to Winter. There has just been a hail shower! Brrr!!
hey! whatta cute blog, why have i been outta the loop?? hello!!! i will be back, adding ya to my 'roll. Goodbye summer, hello my fav fall....sigh....
YAY FOR PALIN!! I loved her speech! And I love your header -btw!!
Kenley did look adorable, and I love the way she defended her dress!
Thanks for the great cards for my giveaway, and the tags you made for the Halloween swap!
That little pavilion is to die for! Is it yours? Did you make it!
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