Sunday, August 31, 2008
awards and the best headband EVER.
As most of you know, I went shopping with my mom and sister the other night and it was such a fun treat! I needed some new things for school, and I needed new jeans badly. We found some amazing deals and I am so happy with everything I got, especially this super-cute and PERFECT feathered headband from Forever 21!!!!

My little Andrew spent all day yesterday with his dad, and they had a sleepover together last night, which allowed me to while away the weekend!! I went to the San Diego Scrapbooking Expo downtown yesterday morning and picked up some super fun goodies to be incorporated into etsy cards and tags! Then I went downtown with my sister and some friends. I hardly ever go out down there anymore, so when I get a chance, it is always fun! We went to the Padres game and then to a funny little bar downtown to catch up with some old friends which was great!!
Moving on.... I received two awards this week and I am so excited to share them with you!
The lovely Denise from Polka Dot Moon awarded me with the "I love your blog!" award which I was so excited about because I LOVE her blog too!! She is such a sweet blog-friend to me and I am so glad I have had the opportunity to get to know her recently... and she has an adorable etsy shop which I LOVE. :) Thanks Denise!!!

Six of my fave things....... 1. Gossip Girl! 2. Feathers! 3. Big fluffy flowers! 4. Sunglasses! 5. Andrew's drawings and coloring:) 6. A super pair of ripped up jeans! (of which I found on my recent shopping trip lol!!!)
I am going to nominate the same few people for both of these awards since creativeness is oozing from all of my super-fun favorite blog friends!!!! Have fun, girls!! :)
Kate from the busy bee
Tracy from Pink Purl
Rachel from Cherry Tree Lane
Well enjoy the awards girls, your blogs always bring a smile to face!!! :) Now it is off to Michael's to get crafty, enjoy the rest of your Sunday everyone xo!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
anthropologie and cadavers.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
pass me the windex.
Everything is in disarray. I told myself at the beginning of summer that I needed a sense of organization before I start school again for the semester.... well, school starts this Tuesday. Where did my summer go? I had a huge list of things I wanted to get accomplished over the summer and very few are crossed off. And I believe the last item on my list was to make no messes. Whoa, I forgot about that one! (Ooops... as I look around at all of my messes currently going on around me.....)
Well, I am determined to at least get my bathroom and bedroom organized and deep-cleaned by Tuesday. Before and after pictures will be up as soon as I can get done, let's just hope that is sooner rather than later!!
Oh yes, and the blog needs a bit of work, too. My life has been overtaken by vampire books, but since I am finally done with all four of the Twilight novels, life can get back to normal. Darn. :)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
project runway <3 !

Monday, August 18, 2008
i will NOT revisit brideshead.

My mom and I went to see "Brideshead Revisited" yesterday and we were excited to see another pretty British film, which we usually love. Unfortunately, this movie completely BLOWS. It was a creepy house, full of creepy people, and an utterly unimportant story to go along with it. I hated it. the "hour and forty minutes" movie seemed like it was four hours long. I couldn't wait to get out of there and go do something happy with my day. Ugh.
And by the way, Andrew gets his cast off TODAY!!! We've got an appointment to get it off this afternoon and we told Andrew he could wear his swim shorts to the hospital and when we get home he can jump straight in the POOL! Then tonite is the premiere of "The Hills" on MTV which I am super excited about... we are getting a group of girls together to watch it at my friend Amanda's house, can't WAIT! Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful weekend:) xo!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
delish recipe!!

Also, I am onto the third book in the Twilight series... I am LOVING these books, they are incredible. I read about 300 pages just yesterday, it is hard to put it down! I am waiting for the fourth on to come in the mail, so I am trying to take my time with the third one, Eclipse. Crazy, crazy, I am sooo addicted. :) I just thought I should explain why I am barely making it onto my computer the past week!! Anyways, onto the recipe haha....
"This recipe is a PETA favorite.
12 oz. vegetarian burger crumbles (I used Smart Ground, but you can use the Morningstar brand also!)
• Preheat the oven to 375°F. • In a small bowl, combine the burger crumbles and taco seasoning and set aside.• Spray a 9-inch by 13-inch pan with oil.• In layers, spread a generous amount of enchilada sauce, 6 corn tortillas, 2 cans of pinto beans, a handful of green onion, a third of the shredded “cheese,” half the can of green chilies, lots more enchilada sauce, 6 more tortillas, all the seasoned burger crumbles, another third of the “cheese,” the remaining green chilies, more enchilada sauce, then the final 6 tortillas, more enchilada sauce, and the rest of the “cheese.” Cover in foil and bake for 30 minutes.• Remove the foil, top the entire casserole with the Fritos, and bake for another 15 to 30 minutes or until bubbly and browned.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
pink saturday!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
O-M-G, twilight!!!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Woo! The awesome mama at BrainMosaic!!!! :) Congrats, girl!
Another winner..... the wonderful Britt!!!! :)
Congratulations to ALL the winners... Email me your address and I will send off your goodies tomorrow.. !! (Judy- I have yours!!)
I loved doing this giveaway and will have to do it more often from now on:) Thanks to ALL of you that entered!! xo!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
etsy pinks!
I am going to be drawing the winners to my two giveaways tonite, so you have all day today to post your comments and get your chance in to win one of two goodie bags full of my cards and tags!! Please leave a comment on my previous blog, my 100th post, in order to be eligible to win! I am only drawing names from that group of comments!
I have been Etsy-obsessed lately, so I decided to post my Pink Saturday "Etsy Finds"!! I am so into this amazing website, and love all the creativity that pours out from all of these fantastic sellers. So onto the "pink" Etsy finds.... enjoy!! :)

Being a huge fan of all things Marie Antoinette, I loveeeee this print from BluLima!