Pack up your things, ladies, because we are off on vacations of all shapes and sizes! Even though a lot of us are stuck at home for the summer due to sky-high gas prices and vacation costs, that doesn't mean we can't plan an amazingly fun make believe vacation!! Post pictures, write a bit about your choice of vacation, and let us in on all the details! By the end of the day, we all will have traveled all over the world...! :)
My mom,
Heidi, and I are so happy to be hosting this fun event!!!! At the end of this blog, I have listed all of our participants and I hope you all can get to everyone's pages and see where everyone has chosen to "travel" today! If you visit a blog, leave them a comment to let them know you popped in... get to know new bloggers and have FUN on vacation!!! Now let's get started......
I am packing up all my prettiest dresses, jewelry and favorite shoes to take with me on my lovely destination today!!
I will have a long plane ride today, so I need a comfy sweater to travel in.... but of course, I'll toss on some fabulous heels! Here I go on the plane ride across the US and further, all the way across the Atlantic to........................
Since I have never been to Europe, I thought I would pick one place on my list of places to visit! I am an art history major and have been entranced with Italy for a while now, wanting to visit Florence, Rome, Tuscany and Venice to check out all sorts of amazing and historical places and pieces of art. I was racking my brain today trying to figure out which city to travel to, or if I should hop from one to another, but finally decided on Venice!
Venice, the "city of water," the "city of bridges," and the "city of lights," and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I thought this was an ideal place to "visit" today... what a perfect place to spend a summer vacation and explore! In Venice, the modes of transportation are either walking or by boats.. how wonderful is that? The canals serve as "roads" and there are NO cars allowed in the city...

I figured I might as well book a reservation at a splendid five star hotel overlooking the water, a suite complete with a garden terrace... I will nibble on a croissant and some fruit before going out to explore the city...
A crisp morning greets me in this amazing city....
Maybe I should take a gondola ride and try to get a personal tour of the buildings and history of Venice..
Possibly a quick stop at an airy, outdoor cafe, sipping on a cup of coffee while people watching...

Lunch at a gorgeous patio restaurant....

Then it is back to check out the hotel a bit more, maybe curl up in my fantastically ornate and upholstered bed to catch up some reading before venturing out in the city once again...

Fresh flowers, velvet plush chairs, fabric, wallpaper, beautiful lighting.... in short, the perfect vacation suite for myself!

And check out the view from my bedroom window.. right out to the heart of Venice and the gorgeous waterways... And now it is out to experience the city a bit more..

Travelling through the canals in order to do a bit of afternoon sight-seeing..

Stopping to admire and bask in the grandeur of Basilica di San Marco a Venezia... or more simply, St. Mark's Basilica. This is one of the Byzantine buildings that I have studied in art history courses, and it awed me in pictures alone, so experiencing it in person must be jaw-dropping. (I am really trying to imagine myself standing there looking up at the architecture of the cathedral....!!)

Looking across St, Mark's Square to the cathedral... what a breath-taking example of art at it's best.

Hopping a gondola to travel around a bit more before it gets too dark... I still need to see the Doge's Palace before going back to my hotel..... ;)

Strolling down a narrow lane between these age-old buildings....

I will grab a bite to eat before heading down to the water's edge once again...

And here is the amazing Doge's palace, another of my "things to see" around Italy from my art classes... originally a palace home for the Doge of Venice, this is a classic example of a gothic-style architecture. The beautiful columns line the edges of the building, both inside and out.

Another view of the Doge's Palace, strolling underneath the columns and massive construction of this palace.... a place that anyone would have to visit if they travelled to Venice.

And finally, my day is coming to an end in Venice, Italy. The sun is setting on the city, the water, and my vacation. It was an amazingly inspirational "day" here in Venice and I am so glad I could share my make-believe travels with you all.

Let's pack up those bags and get back to our cozy homes, which we can appreciate so much more after a day away.. :) I hope you all enjoyed my trip, as well as everyone else's over the course of today. Visit the participants and say hello to each other... it is always nice to make a new friend, and what better way to get to know people than step into a dream vacation with them..

Bon Voyage and enjoy your trips!!!! Thank you so much for all of you who have designated today as "Let's Go on Vacation"!! xoxoxox
1. Heidi from
Foxgloves, Fabric & Folly2. Alicia from
Butterfly*Gems3. Cecilia from
Madrin Designs5. Tonya from
PuddinPop6. Mallory from
Mallory D. and her Big Bodacious Blooms7. Rachel from
Cherry Tree Lane8. BJ from
Sweet Nothings9. Jeanne from
Backyard Neighbor10. Mya from
Creative Musings11.
Vintage Girl at Heart12. Diane at
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words13.
BrainMosaic14. Cole from
My Menagerie15. Kari and Kijsa from
Ask Kari and Kijsa16. Beverly from
How Sweet the Sound17. Molly from
Molly B.'s18. Rhonda from
Scooterblu's Whimsy19. Shaybert from
thirtyandholding20. Joanna at
Sweet Finds21. Brittainy at
The Litany of Brittainy22. Melissa at
The Inspired Room23. Shirl at
Shirl's Rose Cottage24. Jan at
Jan and Tom's Place25. Jill at
Bailiwick Designs26. Schotzy at
Wings of Eagles **It is never too late to sign up... please post a blog with your dream vacation still, and email me! Ill add your blog to the list so you won't miss out. :)
How much fun will this be? I'm glad you reminded me of the date, I got confused and thought it was Friday! But, my posts will still work, part one and part two of our beach house photos, where we have vacationed for the past 13 years or so! Not as amazing as Italy, but close enough to visit more often!
I went to Italy a year and a half ago, it was unbelievable!
Thanks for hosting, dear! This will be fun...
PS. I added a link to the bottom of my post to other dreamy vacation ideas I've shared in the past, so you can check those out too!
Can't wait to travel to everyone's blogs...
Italy is an excellent choice. Are you sure you haven't been? You sound like an expert!
Wow Holly, I had such a great time going with you to Italy. I hope you didn't mind me hiding in your suitcase.
I spent most of my life in Fort Lauderdale which is known as the Venice of the East because of all of the canals.
Venice is such and enchanting city - magical and beautiful.
Thanks for the trip to Italy...it will be the closest I get to a dream vacation this year...yet I still listen and practice my Rosetta Stone Italian!
I have been to Venice and it will blow your socks off. It's everything you dreamed and more!! I had to pinch myself as I floated up the canal at night - I could not believe I was there!
Hi, Holly, nice to meet you AND go on vacation to Italy with you. I've been there and it is the best place I've ever visited. It's been many years now, but it's top on the places I want to go back & spend some time. Venice is amazing, as is Rome and Florence. They're all different and have unique things about each of them.
There's NO place like Italy!
Wow Holly! That was gorgeous, I almost felt like I was there : ) Venice is one of the places I would love to visit one day. I would love to take a tour of Italy, what a beautiful country.
Oh your vacation looks like so much fun and so very Romantic!!!!
Next time I will have to tag along!!!
Thanks for hosting!!!
oooh. italy was my second choice! way to blog! i felt like i was really there!
Wow what a beautiful place, I have always found Italy captivating. I love the idea of living in city with no cars, walking everyplace or floating up the canals! I try to catch Italy always on the travel channel.
Thank you for sharing!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose COttage
This is one whirl-wind vacation we enjoyed... and without the laundry!
Thanks for sharing,
Karla & Karrie
Thank you for hosting this fun vacation party! ;-) Italy is a great place and it is one of my favourite travel destinations, the food, beautiful view ans the people! Loved your photos and the detail on what to wear on the flight over here!:-)
Hello Holly, This trip of yours is INCREDIBLE!!!! And if I didn't know better I would think you had been to Italy many, many times! I guess all those Art History classes really paid off!...This is so much fun! Great idea Holly!...Love You, Mom
That is so awesome! Great pictures! And you didn't run into the gypsies in Rome! (They like to steal your belongings!) Can we do this every Thursday?? :)
Oh Holly,
Italy is on the top of my list of dream vacations. I love your gorgeous pics. Thanks for the beautiful tour and being our wonderful hostess today. I will now fly of to another exotic location.
Sounds scrumptious! Italy is one fabulous place - the food, the scenery, the people, the art... have a great time there! ::Jill
SO beautiful!! We posted Italy as our great escape too!! (We have to confess- kijsa just returned from there a couple weeks ago, but is just dying to go back)- love that you are a art history gal- kijsa did her graduate work in Art history as well- you can only imagine how long her to-do list was in Florence!!!!
What a fabulous idea this post was- we have enjoyed all the 'escapes'!!!
kari & kijsa
Such a lovely trip! And your images were just stunning--almost as good as being there.
I LOVE your trip! Can I come next time??? :) Love, sissy
Well done Holly! My husband and I are planning a trip to Italy next year so I really enjoyed the "preview".
Thanks for the great game!
Holly, Great post and your photos are amazing! You made Italy such an enticing destination, I have now added it to my list of desires!
Thanks to you and your sweet Mom, for hosting this fun event! I just love your Mom's blog and yours is great, too! You are two talented women!
~Rhonda ;)
Ciao! I hope you'll enjoy your Italian holidays! I'm Italian living in Lucca, Tuscany! I work in an art foundation and I'm passionate about home decor! I love hunting through flea markets and creating for my home and my web-shop! I hope to hear from you!
Italian greetings!
By coincidence, my girlzies are in Oregon on vacation with their grandparents, so I posted an Oregon vacation yesterday.
Beautiful vacation! Mine is finally up on my blog!! Took me long enough!
OMG! I am going to ALL those locations that you mention at the beginning of these wonderful photos of Venice A place I shall be in for 3 days in August!!
Oh i want to go with you holly! LOL I started out late but we finally had a Fabulous Vacation thank you so much for including us on your vacation list ...it was alot of fun!
i love venice
Italy travel: Venice, Doge's Palace outside video
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