Ever since the show ended four years ago, I, like many fans out there, have been waiting patiently for the movie to finally come out. And yesterday was the day that my four favorite girls returned!! I so desperately wanted to go last night, but I had a dinner planned with a bunch of lovely friends already, so the movie will have to wait until tomorrow when Andrew spends the day with his dad. I've bought the tickets already, I am seeing the first showing tomorrow morning, and I cannot wait!! Is anyone else as excited for this??!!!
If you have never seen this show, you really are missing out. I am sure most people who haven't seen the show have a preconceived notion about what Sex and the City is all about... but it really is such a wonderfully written show that is about the friendship of these four women above anything else. For six years, the show followed Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha through their lives, and anyone who is a fan of this show is so entwined in their lives as well. It is a show that you become emotionally invested in, being able to relate to these various women, their relationships and lives. Here is my advice for you today: Go rent the DVDs immediately, sit down and start catching up on this fabulous show. And when you have finished catching up with the six seasons in no time at all, go to the movie! You will LOVE being able to experience this fantastic story.... and of course, the fantastic shoes! ;)

I will let everyone know how the movie is tomorrow afternoon!! Hope you are all enjoying a fun weekend! xo!
I got a PINK shirt to wear for the occasion of course I already broke a few of the stones on it when i wore it out one night with Rob. But its so cute Rosie picked it out. And I will be wearing my black slacks since I cant find a black skirt and maybe some heels if I can walk in them. LOL
YAY I am so happy and my friend Jen will be coming too shes older but she loves this movie too and her husband will watch her kiddos so she can go see it.
"Not seen the show" ?!?! I've used a quote from it on my website that sells mostly children's things! LOL!
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